Exposed core – armchair design

Purpose: Instagramable armchair designed for Megamall Bucuresti in late 2019, developed in collaboration with Kromozom Europe.Current project status: Finished;Location: Bucharest, RomaniaYear: 2019 To see the built diamond-like core armchair installation, check the bottom of this post.       If you enjoy the way this project turned out, you might also like our neo-constructivist home design. […]

MegaMall info-desk: design & 3d rendering

Floating visualization of the info-desk concept drawer.

Purpose: An info-desk designed for the main entrance of Megamall Bucuresti, in collaboration with Kromozom Europe.Current project status: Unbuilt;Location: Bucharest, RomaniaYear: 2019   MegaMall has been a constant client of us and the Kromozom Europe team. So back in 2019, we had been commissioned to develop an info-desk design that would reflect the MegaMall brand refreshment. We […]

The Nest House: A Memphis – Constructivist home design

The colorful dining room of the Nest House, designed with Memphis influences.

Purpose: Conceptual project for the NEST House contest held by OAR;Current project status: Unbuilt;Location: UtopianArea: less than 100 m²Year: 2018 Back in 2018 when we were just starting this studio, we entered this competition called the “Blitz Contest – Small House, Nest House”. Held annually by the Romanian Architects Order, this contest is open to […]